Jean-Claude Quilici - Collection Greece
In 1970, a new catalyst appears. A new light seizes the painter : that of Crete and the Cyclades, visited with enthusiasm. This luminous journey round the Greek islands, submission to their pitiless sky, force him to modify his palette, to discover the sparkling, cruel serenity of basic whites and blues, fixed for ever on those shores surrounded by limpid water and blinding sunlight. This encounter with the labyrinth of twisting streets on Mykonos led him by invisible threads towards remoter origins, where man matured with patient gods. Quilici dipped his brush in fire to reconstitute this implacable harmony which says everything of man while at the same time denying him. Is he anything other than a shadow at the foot of this dream-coloured wall ?...
To the harmony of whites, the artist cleverly adds some shimmering components - red, yellow and orange - which make the canvas sing.He feels at ease here...
From text by Jean-Marc Tixier (Translated by Roger Kemp) Ed. Tacussel